Just a quick note since I haven't written a blog post here in a while. I decided to stop creating new posts for each conference; all of my slide decks should be available on SlideShare:
Also note that I have updated my conference speaking schedule; please be sure to check it out or subscribe to my Twitter feed for more information on where I'll be talking about UX next!
Thanks for coming to my speech, "Why Nobody Fills Out My Forms Part 2: Electric Boogalo"!
Still having difficulty encouraging people to fill out web forms to sign up for newsletters, apply for jobs, or complete their online shopping orders? Find out even more tips to help keep people from abandoning early, such as making form field widths more convenient, easing credit card entry, grouping related fields into sections to promote scanning, and styling buttons and controls so your webpage does not look like it was written in 2000.
Thanks for coming to my speech, "Why Nobody Fills Out My Forms"!
Has your web form conversion rate hit a wall? Are users not receiving confirmation e-mails, getting pestered with password or data format warnings *after* they finish entering their information, or bailing after being asked the same questions multiple ways? Find out why not enough people are filling out your web forms, and learn suggestions of A/B tests you can try to help encourage more people to interact.
As developers, we deal with technologies, frameworks, and data, making it very easy to forget that what we create is meant for real people to use.
While designers and UI specialists should handle most decisions about how a product or service looks and feels, we should all be on the same page to make better solutions. Whether we are building an interface for a desktop website, mobile application, or chatbot, what are some basic design concepts that we as developers can pick up, allowing us to be on the same page with designers and product owners during product meetings and discussions?
Has your web form conversion rate hit a wall? Are users not receiving confirmation e-mails, getting pestered with password or data format warnings *after* they finish entering their information, or bailing after being asked the same questions multiple ways? Find out why not enough people are filling out your web forms, and learn suggestions of A/B tests you can try to help encourage more people to interact.
Thanks for coming to my speech, Icons Behaving Badly!
The design behind adding interactivity to an application or website seems trivial; download a free icon collection from sites such as Flaticon, Font Awesome, or iconmonstr, pick an appropriate icon, and add the image to your work. However, should there be more to this process, especially if you are concerned about people understanding how to use what you develop? Learn why the "5-second rule" doesn't apply just to picking food off the floor, how the wrong icon can show cultural insensitivity, why the manner icons are placed in a website or app may be as important as the images themselves, and how to perform icon usability tests. You may be surprised which icons users find to be generally instantly recognizable as to what functions they relate, and which others not so much.
The slideshow for my talk "Why Nobody Fills Out My Forms" is online at SlideShare. Enjoy!
Has your web form conversion rate hit a wall? Are users not receiving confirmation e-mails, getting pestered with password or data format warnings *after* they finish entering their information, or bailing after being asked the same questions multiple ways? Find out why not enough people are filling out your web forms, and learn suggestions of A/B tests you can try to help encourage more people to interact.
Slides to my Connect.TECH 2016 and Scenic City Summit talk - Tablets and Hybrids Need Mobile-Optimized Websites, Too! - are now available at SlideShare!
It takes extra work to deliver a truly responsive website. Since larger tablets and hybrids such as iPad Pros and Windows Surface devices can fit the full size of a standard laptop/desktop website, a tempting thought is to save time and deliver to them the exact same experience. This talk may change your mind, elaborating on why that kind of thinking can hamper the user experience and possibly drive people away, perhaps to access your website on a laptop or smartphone, or worse yet to a competitor.
"Amanda steps out with her officemates for lunch, and no one has a strong opinion where to eat. She picks up her phone and searches for Mediterranean restaurants, and lucky you! Yours appears near the top of the list. While the well-placed photos of dolmas and falafel look enticing, what isn’t alluring is the long wait as she downloads a full menu. After waiting ten seconds for the list of appetizers to appear, it’s on to the next restaurant from the list."
If you own a restaurant and this happens to you, congratulations! You just lost several customers, perhaps permanently. With so many restaurant choices available in many areas, and with information available at the press of a screen or button, your website needs to offer what people want – and quickly.
So… what exactly does a restaurant website need? Based on informal surveys and offering this question as a part of my "Responsive Design and Development Gotchas" talk, here are some suggestions in no particular order: